Drawing graphical models

Drawing graphical models¶

from wand.image import Image as WImage
from wand.color import Color
img = WImage(filename='../pgm/coin-toss.pdf', resolution=300)
img.crop(0, 400, 2480, 1500)
%cat ../pgm/coin-toss.tex

				$x_N$ explicit & Plate Notation & Hyperparameters on $\mu$ & Factor\\  \midrule
				&                &            &              \\
					\node[obs]                               (x1) {$x_1$};
					\node[const, right=0.5cm of x1]                               (dots) {$\cdots$};
					\node[obs, right=0.5cm of dots]                               (xn) {$x_N$};
					\node[latent, above=of dots] (mu) {$\mathbf{\mu}$};
					\edge {mu} {x1,dots,xn} ; %
					\node[obs]                               (xn) {$x_n$};
					\node[latent, above=of xn] (mu) {$\mathbf{\mu}$};
					\plate{}{(xn)}{$n = 1, \cdots, N$};
					\edge {mu} {xn} ; %
				\end{tikzpicture} &
					\node[obs]                               (xn) {$x_n$};
					\node[latent, above=of xn] (mu) {$\mathbf{\mu}$};
					\node[const, right=0.5cm of mu] (beta) {$\mathbf{\beta}$};
					\node[const, left=0.5cm of mu] (alpha) {$\mathbf{\alpha}$};
					\plate{}{(xn)}{$n = 1, \cdots, N$};
					\edge {mu} {xn} ; %
					\edge {alpha,beta} {mu} ; %
				\node[obs]                               (xn) {$x_n$};
				\node[latent, above=of xn] (mu) {$\mathbf{\mu}$};
				\factor[above=of xn] {y-f} {left:${Ber}$} {} {} ; %
				\node[const, above=1 of mu, xshift=0.5cm] (beta) {$\mathbf{\beta}$};
				\node[const, above=1 of mu, xshift=-0.5cm] (alpha) {$\mathbf{\alpha}$};
				\factor[above=of mu] {mu-f} {left:${Beta}$} {} {} ; %
				\plate{}{(xn)}{$n = 1, \cdots, N$};

				\edge {mu} {xn} ; %
				\edge {alpha,beta} {mu-f} ; %
				\edge  {mu-f}{mu} ; %
		\caption{Graphical models for a repeated Bernoulli experiment.}



  1. https://mml-book.github.io/book/mml-book.pdf Figure 8.10