Local Lengthscale GP
Local Lengthscale GP¶
Author: Zeel B Patel
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import GPy
from matplotlib import rc
import warnings
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from autograd import grad, elementwise_grad, numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
%matplotlib inline
rc('text', usetex=True)
rc('font', size=16)
In this chapter, we explore a non-stationary GP discussed by [PKB08] from scratch.
First, let us define LLS kernel function for 1D input.
def LLSKernel(Xi, Xj, li, lj, sigma_f):
d = np.square(Xi - Xj.T)
lijsqr = np.square(li)+np.square(lj.T)
d_scaled = 2*d/lijsqr
# print(Xi.shape, Xj.shape, li.shape, lj.shape)
return sigma_f**2 * 2**0.5 * np.sqrt(li@lj.T)/np.sqrt(lijsqr) * np.exp(-d_scaled)
Let us generate training data.
n_train = 30
# Generate data
def f(X): # target function
return numpy.sin(5*X) + numpy.sign(X)
X = numpy.random.uniform(-1, 1, (n_train, 1)) # data
Y = f(X)[:, 0].reshape(-1,1) + np.random.normal(0,0.1,size=n_train).reshape(-1,1)
plt.scatter(X, Y);

We will choose 5 latent locations using KMeans clustering
N_local = 5
model = KMeans(n_clusters=N_local)
X_local = model.cluster_centers_
We need to learn corresponding lengthscales for X_local
. Let us define (negative) log likelihood function. We also need a local kernel function to model GP over the lengthscales.
def Local_kernel(Xi, Xj, sigma_l):
d = np.square(Xi - Xj.T)
d_scaled = d/sigma_l**2
return np.exp(-d_scaled)
def NLL(params):
sigma_f, sigma_l, sigma_n = params[:3]
L_local = params[3:].reshape(-1,1)
L = np.exp(Local_kernel(X, X_local, sigma_l)@np.linalg.pinv(Local_kernel(X_local, X_local, sigma_l))@np.log(L_local))
K = LLSKernel(X, X, L, L, sigma_f)
K += np.eye(K.shape[0]) * sigma_n**2
A = 0.5*Y.T@np.linalg.pinv(K)@Y + 0.5*np.log(np.linalg.det(K)) + 0.5*np.log(2*np.pi)
B = 0.5*np.log(np.linalg.det(Local_kernel(X_local, X_local, sigma_l))) + 0.5*np.log(2*np.pi)
return A[0,0] + B
Let us find optimal values of paramaters with gradient descent.
opt_fun = np.inf
for seed in range(10):
params = numpy.abs(numpy.random.rand(N_local+3))
result = minimize(NLL, params, bounds=[[10**-5, 10**5]]*len(params))
if result.fun < opt_fun:
opt_fun = result.fun
opt_result = result
opt_params = opt_result.x
# Optimal values
sigma_f, sigma_l, sigma_n = opt_params[:3]
L_local = opt_params[3:].reshape(-1,1)
Let us predict over the new inputs.
X_new = np.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, 100).reshape(-1,1)
L = np.exp(Local_kernel(X, X_local, sigma_l)@np.linalg.pinv(Local_kernel(X_local, X_local, sigma_l))@np.log(L_local))
L_new = np.exp(Local_kernel(X_new, X_local, sigma_l)@np.linalg.pinv(Local_kernel(X_local, X_local, sigma_l))@np.log(L_local))
K = LLSKernel(X, X, L, L, sigma_f)
K += np.eye(K.shape[0])*sigma_n**2
K_star = LLSKernel(X, X_new, L, L_new, sigma_f)
K_star_star = LLSKernel(X_new, X_new, L_new, L_new, sigma_f)
K_star_star += np.eye(K_star_star.shape[0])*sigma_n**2
Mu_pred = (K_star.T@np.linalg.inv(K)@Y).squeeze()
Mu_cov = K_star_star - K_star.T@np.linalg.inv(K)@K_star
Visualizing predicted mean and variance.
plt.scatter(X, Y)
plt.plot(X_new, Mu_pred, label='predicted mean')
std2 = np.sqrt(Mu_cov.diagonal())*2
plt.fill_between(X_new.squeeze(), Mu_pred-std2, Mu_pred+std2, alpha=0.4, label='95% interval')
plt.ylim(-2.5, 2.5)

We see that the fit is good and uncertainty is justified correctly. Let us visualize individual lengthscales.

We see that lengthscales are comparatevely smaller in center to account for sudden jump in dataset. Let us check how stationary GP does on this dataset.
GPModel = GPy.models.GPRegression(X, Y, GPy.kern.RBF(1))
GPModel.optimize_restarts(10, verbose=0)

Comparing the lengthscales.
plt.plot(L_new, label='Local lengthscales');
plt.hlines(GPModel.kern.lengthscale, *plt.xlim(), label='Stationary lengthscale', color='r')

We can see that allowing variable lengthscales with a Non-stationary GP results in a better and more interpretable fit.